Get what you really want

Have you ever acted against your better judgment? Ummmm, of course you have. We all have. Sometimes you do things that you later regret. And this keeps you from achieving that lean, sexy body that you want. You hit snooze rather than waking up early to exercise before...

Look Your Best for Summer

With vacation and beach days quickly approaching, most of us are now thinking about looking our best while dressed in our finest. Too bad that losing body fat is a slow and steady process, rather than an instantaneous fix. However…I do have an extremely effective...

Better than crunches

Your basic ab crunch isn’t the most effective way to get toned abs. It simply doesn’t activate your core muscles to the extent that other exercises do, it can hurt your back, and the small motion doesn’t do much by way of calorie burning. So why are you still doing...

Beyond Soft Drinks

You know that soft drinks aren’t good for you…and yet you still drink them. I understand that plain water gets boring – especially when you’re having a party or gathering, so I’ve come up with the simple Spa Water recipes below and quickly turn plain water into an...

Ditch these 5 sweets

How often has your sweet tooth ruined your clean diet? Yes, sweet are delicious and tempting, but will get you into pants that are another size larger. And into your doctor’s office for another lecture. And into a body that you are ashamed of. The life-long...

Use this to achieve ANY goal

We are living in a have-it-all, have-it-now world. Access to anything you desire is literally a key stroke away. There’s one-click ordering. There’s food delivery in 30 minutes or less. There’s credit available with the swipe of a card. More so than any time in...